To ensure that all endeavours contribute to the restoration, revitalisation, strengthening and enhancement of the cultural, social and economic well-being of Taranaki Whānui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika, the four strategic goals, as further described in our Five Year Strategic Plan (2011-2015), are:
Wealth creation and financial well-being for the Trust will assist in providing benefits and opportunities for owners. The asset base of the Trust must be managed effectively to provide strong financial returns so the Trust is able to support the other strategic goals.
Social and whanau well being will be supported by contributions from the financial strength of the Trust. An important part of social goals will relate to education, health, housing and care for those in need. The whole of government initiative will be important in achieving this goal.
Cultural achievement will include support for and initiatives in te reo, tikanga, arts and history. The emphasis will be to provide opportunities at various levels of need.
Our environment is the basic foundation on individual well-being. Environmental well-being is imbedded within many of the dimensions of the Trust’s strategic well-beings through partnerships with local and central government agencies, private sector and the community. Enhancing our natural resources through conservation and preservation of our eco-systems will ensure it is sustainable for future generations.